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Who Is Janik Prottung?


Why the challenge of rowing an Ocean?

For me, Janik Prottung, it is all about resiliency and being crazy. I think it is an incredible opportunity to do something that challenges my mind and body in ways that I cannot imagine.

In addition, I love the possibilities to affect the lives of others by participating in the challenge. Whether showing others what’s possible or enabling them to pursue their dreams by supporting them with the donations we collect, growing together is among the most inspiring things I can think of.

Have you taken part in a big adventure before?

As a boy scout and competitive handball player, I participated already in quite some challenges and adventures. For example, we advanced to the 4th league or camped at minus thirty degrees. However, nothing of this immensity.

What are you most looking forward to about rowing?

Actually, I never sat in a rowing boat until today and from my hours on the rowing machine, I do not necessarily look forward to doing exactly that for 40 days straight. But, that is as well the appealing thing. Forcing myself to the training and growing stronger and more resilient along the way while seeing the Alps and the Oceans from a totally different perspective will be encouraging enough.

What do you think the biggest challenges will be?

For me, as a rowing and extreme sports newbie, there is one thing I want to point out. Being already used to getting to the extremes of my brain while trying to solve the world’s problems with physics, doing the same on a body level is new to me. Surely, during my time playing handball, I had some moments where my body gave up, but there is always a way out by using a substitution. While rowing across the Atlantic, this won’t be possible.

What 3 strengths do you think you will bring to the crew?

Self-assessments like this have the potential to bias the view of a person quite a lot. Having said this, I pick humour, stoic calmness and optimism.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

For me, it gets inspiration once a person is at a level where the seemingly impossible is executed elegantly. Examples in sports are Zinedine Zidane or Roger Federer, in business, you have Jeff Bezos or the Biontech founders.

What advice would you give to your 10-year-old self?

Think big, execute big, but think about it first.

Janik Prottung doing Pull-ups

Aside from friends and family, what do you think you will miss most while you’re at sea?

Getting to know new and exciting people.

If you could only listen to one album for the whole crossing, what would it be?

That’s a tough one. At the moment, I would pick either Snarky Puppy’s “We like it here” to keep my mind busy or a soundtrack collection from Hans Zimmer.

What would you sing at a karaoke night?

In the scope of the challenge “Staying alive”.

What will you bring as your luxury item?

My diary to write and reflect on the world while I got the time to shut myself from other external distractions.

What is the most annoying habit other people have?

Losing themselves in the details too early.

Favourite Book?

“Homo Sapiens” from Yuval Noah Harari

Tell us an interesting thing about you people should know…

I always have to play around with something with my hands. When I was a child, I used to put some items at random places, where I tried to fit a pen into a sculpture in a way that it stuck and fit perfectly. It led and still leads to quite some amusement for the people around me. I hope it does not drive Daniel crazy

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